
Rising Phoenix is a family practice clinic providing Acupuncture and Custom Medical Herbology to support the health and wellbeing of children, adults and older adults.

Conditions Treated

Health and Wellness
Stress reduction ⋅ mental and emotional balance ⋅ improved sleep ⋅ diet and lifestyle ⋅ improved personal relationships ⋅ family harmony

Injuries and Pain
Acute injuries ⋅ chronic pain ⋅ repetitive use injuries ⋅ joint pain ⋅ sprains and strains ⋅ limited mobility and range of motion

Children and Teens
Attention span and focusing difficulties ⋅ processing difficulties ⋅ delayed development ⋅ emotional instability ⋅ breathing issues ⋅ frequent illness ⋅ food sensitivities ⋅ bedwetting ⋅ sleep disturbances

Breathing difficulties ⋅ environmental sensitivities ⋅ frequent colds and flus

Anger ⋅ sadness ⋅ anxiousness ⋅ restlessness ⋅ hyperactivity  ⋅ mood swings

Women’s Health
Menstrual irregularities ⋅ pre-menstrual irregularities ⋅ post-menstrual irregularities ⋅ heat sensations ⋅ night sweats

Digestion and Elimination
Food sensitivities ⋅ decreased appetite ⋅ increased appetite ⋅ frequent or infrequent urination ⋅ frequent or infrequent bowel movements

Difficulty falling asleep ⋅ difficulty staying asleep ⋅ dream disturbed sleep ⋅ restless sleep

Feel free to call

We are here to help you improve your wellbeing and the quality of your daily life. Feel free to contact us if you have questions or would like to schedule an appointment.

You are also welcome to browse the rest of our website to learn more about us and what we do.